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* Beej's Guides [on sock] [on C]
Mainly C and other random stuff
* WirelessCommunication.nl
Wireless communication 101 (c) Jean-Paul Linnartz
*note sometimes the site goes down,
you can access from wayback machine snapshots.
* ShareTechnote
Wireless network protocols (c) Jaeku Ryu
* The Book of Shaders
Introductory to graphics programming (c) Patricio Vivo
* ezyang
Articles detailing ML/AI innards (c) Edward Z. Yang, Meta
* Standford CS Notes aman.ai
Various CS course notes (c) amanchadha
* (repo;github) Airbnb JavaScript style guide
One of few styles you can follow on writing in js/ts
* Shader Toy [youtube]
Browser applet for shader programming (c) Inigo Quilez
* explainshell [github]
Mansplain your shell scripting skill
* (repo;github) CS courses
Compilation of online resources/lectures/videos on compsci
* (article) screen to world coordinates
(c) Coders Desiderata
* (article) visualizing depth precision
(c) Nathan Reed
bookmarks i’ve been browsing lately and is either unrelated or too specific of a topic but still interesting read and is worth sharing nonetheless
* https://n-o-d-e.net/ [youtube]
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