
Here’s some resources I’ve compiled if you’re self-learning programming and/or math without any comp sci background. I’ll keep updating this list irregularly.

All links are external.

Books, Repos, or Online Books

> Super Sturdy Guides - Algorithm and Data Structures

SSG provides nice algorithm and data structures visualization, and great for begineers as an introduction to some complex comp sci lingos.

> The Book of Shaders

Goes without saying It’s by far the most comprehensive intro into shader programming. considering I’ve been slacking all this time I knew only a little bit of it. But so far its great.

> Refactoring Guru - Design Pattern (free for limited access)

OOP all the way down.

> Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide

Good practices on writing JavaScript. But if you just starting out with JS, you should not follow any of these. Just start coding and start implementing any of these rules on your project slowly.

Kewl Sites

> explainshell

Idan Kamara (github)’s shell argument parser/explainer, or man on steroids.

> Shader Toy

Developed by Inigo Quilez (youtube), a shading language playground.

> Advent of Code

Looking for coding puzzles to solve? leetcode not having enough juice for your O(n^2) algorithm? or tired when their python interpreter purposefully scramble your dict thus you’d rewrite everything as OrderedDict (assuming you need as per index access to items which you shouldn’t do in the first place)?

Then Advent of Code might be the one you’re looking for!

AOC is a yearly semi-competitive programming event dedicated for any unhinged person who’s willing to spend 4-6hrs of their free time in a span of 25 days before christmas to solve various programming problems packaged in a narrative form. All of AOC’s previous years problem-sets are always available for you to crack!

(my attempt is public on github. The code quality for CLI app itself is *dogshit*. It was written quite a while back when I was learning python, and will remain trash. as it should be.)


Hardware Hacker newsletter. Good shit fr fr no cap. Also on youtube.

In summary: portable rasp-pi pc complete with terminal, dongles, sub-compact Casio F-91W card reader holder, and many other stuff. Take a guess where I got the idea to make a website for my own. Check their Zine, It’s amazing.

Blogs or Archives or post and stuff I’ve been reading lately

> Coders Desiderata's blog

Coders Desiderata's screen view to world coordinates’s page always on the top of my bookmark should I need some refresh on where on earth should I put matrix-world and matrix-local on projection matrix.

> Thomas Levine's Wordpress on Computing

A hidden gem. Don’t have much to say it’s got cool articles to take notes from.

> Nathan Reed's Visualizing Depth Precision

Another blog I found while learning backward culling (I’m not there yet). Also a hidden gem with stuff worth reading if you’re into math and graphics.